
Crazy 8s Brainstorming Template

Preview Image of the Crazy 8s Brainstorming Template Template
Preview Image of the Crazy 8s Brainstorming Template Template

Brainstorm ideas fast with this crazy 8s brainstorming template

Start the ideation process in a snap with this template built with effective brainstorming techniques in mind. From team goals to design improvements, use this template contributed by the team at Salesforce to get your wheels turning and everyone’s ideas on the table.

You don’t need to start from scratch. Use Salesforce’s crazy 8s brainstorm template to:

  • Encourage high-level, quick thinking
  • Get creative: sketching ideas that you can’t put into words
  • Incorporate ideation into your design sprint
  • Hear everyone on the team’s voice

How to use this crazy 8s brainstorming template

Step 1: Involve the whole team

Include everyone in this high-level ideation process, especially partners in different functions like product management, engineering, and marketing. Assign everyone on the team a space of eight boxes, adding more if needed.

Step 2: Clarify the goal and review principles

Prior to the session, fill out the facilitator checklist to establish goals and time horizons for the brainstorming session. Then, review the brainstorming principles with the team to set the stage.

Step 3: Add inspiration

Bring thought starters to the table - what images, ideas, or past work will act as a launchpad for the team? Paste them in the inspiration box to get everyone started on the same foot.

Step 4: Ready, set, go

Start a timer for 8 minutes. Each team member should fill each of their 8 boxes with sketches, text, images, and more to brainstorm on your goal statement. Remember, no ideas are bad ideas - so focus on quantity over quality at this stage!

Step 5: Share and vote

Once the 8 minutes are up, share your ideas one by one. Use Freehand Reactions (the smile icon on your toolbar) to vote for your favorite ideas.

At the end of this process, you’ll have several low-fidelity ideas to help you get started on your next project.

Collaborate in real time with an online whiteboard. InVision Freehand empowers your entire team to create together, all in one place.

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