
Marketing Project Plan Template

Preview Image of the Marketing Project Plan Template Template
Preview Image of the Marketing Project Plan Template Template

Kick off your campaign with this marketing project plan template

Before you jump into project management mode, kick off your campaign with thoughtful brainstorming for better results. From overarching goals to specific channels, use Asana’s template to sketch out your objectives before moving to a more task-based plan.

You don’t need to start from scratch. Use Asana’s marketing project plan template to:

  • Brainstorm campaign concepts and objectives
  • Key into your target audience and their journey with your campaign
  • Determine success metrics
  • Define channels and deliverables

How to use this marketing project plan template

Step 1: Start with high-level objectives

Think about your launch at the highest level. As a team, identify your objective and brainstorm how you’ll measure success.

Step 2: Get to know your audience

Identify your target audience. Discuss what you want your audience to think, feel, and do. Collaborate to generate your key message: the TL;DR of your campaign.

Step 3: Complete the bill of materials

After you’ve defined your key message, flesh out how you’ll bring it to life. Work through each possible channel (adding or deleting as you see fit) by brainstorming potential deliverables. Then, move your favorites to the “keepers” section.

Step 4: Build your flow

To further define the customer experience, create a journey flow. Specify your audience. Then work through each channel and deliverable to get a better understanding of how they’ll touch the campaign. Be sure to identify how you’ll share the plan and measure success.

At the end of this process, you’ll have a clear plan for your marketing campaign, which can easily be transferred into a task-based project in Asana.

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