Tier ranking

A tier ranking maps and organizes a diverse set of ideas and perspectives, providing a visual approach to discussing concepts and problem solving.

Often, tier rankings take the form of lists with color coded shapes, with the top tier signifying the most important items and the bottom most shapes identifying the least important items.

Tier rankings bring teams together and help them identify and communicate priorities in order to streamline workflows.

What is tier ranking?

Tier ranking is a visual map that organizes ideas and perspectives in the form of a list. The list often has color coded rectangles, with the top tier of rectangles signifying the most important items on the ranking and the bottom most rectangle tier identifying the least important items.

What does tier ranking do?

Tier ranking facilitates collaboration amongst teams to bring original ideas to the forefront. By using a tier ranking system, teams can sift out the best ideas by ranking each one by a tier system. It also allows teams to openly communicate their ideas.

Additionally, tier ranking simultaneously allow all stakeholders to find solutions to time-sensitive problems by looking at everyone’s ideas and concepts in an orderly fashion.

InVision uses tier ranking templates as a helpful tool to create better team alignment.

Ready to create your own tier ranking template? Get started now.

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